:: About conference

The Khwarizmi Awards are a mirror reflecting national scientific development after the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, a thoughtful approach to the identification and introduction of top national projects as well as honouring the scientists, researchers, and innovators who make today’s turbulent world brighter, and safer with their knowledge and innovations. The Khwarizmi Awards serve as proof of the competitiveness, and self-esteem of scholars and technologists and constant efforts in leading the youth and researchers to achieve sustainable development. The Awards whose necessity, importance, and prospects for long-term achievements were so obvious from the very first edition that they quickly attracted the attention of the country's highest scientific authorities. 

We are honoured that the Khwarizmi Awards have proved to be a great success through the constant efforts of all directors and those serving as the scientific and executive body of these Awards at the Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology over the years.
For the first time this year, along with the Khwarizmi Awards Ceremony which introduces and honors the Awards Laureates, the Khwarizmi International  Conference on Science and Technology will be held to identify and reflect the scientific development across the world.

